Top Denver Architects Start Every Home Design With Hand Sketches

Even in the age of AI and digital design, nearly all Ruggles Mabe Studio designs still begin with hand sketches. We’ve learned that the early conversations you have with our Denver interior design and architecture team often contain the best raw material. These seeds of an idea will ultimately grow into a distinctive final product that’s uniquely yours.


Advantages of Using Hand Sketches

We’ll produce computerized drawings and renderings during the design process, but we start with hand sketches for several reasons. 

  • Putting pencil to paper engages the designer’s or architect’s mind in a natural way, unlike typing on a keyboard. This leads to a drawing that lets you, the client, see our vision for your project.

  • If you see something you don’t like or doesn’t seem quite right, it’s easy to tweak or start fresh.

  • The process of manually drawing requires intentionality, care and thought, with no room for cutting corners or taking shortcuts.

Explore Hand Sketches

We invite you to explore the dozens of hand sketches showcased on this page. We’ve included a wide range of building types and styles.


Our team has worked on over 1,000 residential and commercial projects since 1970, so we have plenty more to show. All you have to do is ask!

Learn More About Our Collaborative Design Process

Find out why Ruggles Mabe Studio is recognized as one of the top Denver architects and is trusted by clients nationally and internationally. 

Call 303-355-2460 or contact us online to schedule your consultation. Our team would be happy to answer questions, learn about your potential project and explain how we might be of service.